Ihttps://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=697894823602473&id=100001458855307 really am enjoying the easy effortless application of Macs Super Slick Liquid Eyeliner in Gold. Leaves a glossy finish yet dries quickly and is water resistant.....Perfect!! £15. Enjoying the Mac Store in London St Pancras. Great location.
Macs Super Slick Liquid Eyeliner....
Ihttps://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=697894823602473&id=100001458855307 really am enjoying the easy effortless application of Macs Super Slick Liquid Eyeliner in Gold. Leaves a glossy finish yet dries quickly and is water resistant.....Perfect!! £15. Enjoying the Mac Store in London St Pancras. Great location.